Friday, November 15, 2013

In a recent survey of Boyd Bros. drivers, the top things our drivers love about Boyd Bros. are:

1.            Time at Home
2.            Family atmosphere
3.            Equipment
4.            Treatment
5.            Good pay
6.            Like the work
7.            Good company
8.            Job security
9.            Miles and freight
10.          People
11.          Autonomy

But these surveys aren’t all about congratulating ourselves. We also ask about things we can do better and how we can make our drivers happier and safer.

If you’re ready for a company that LISTENS to drivers, give us a call at 800-543-8923. And wherever you’re driving today, please remember to be safe. Nothing is more important.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Thank you to all those who have served or are serving now ... we appreciate all you do for this great country!

Monday, November 4, 2013

The second stop of the Overdrive‘s Pride & Polish National Championship began today in St. George, Utah. The two-day show runs today and tomorrow and will feature some of the most powerful trucks in the U.S. competing on dynamometers to see how much horsepower each can churn out.

The four Best of Show winners from the field of 25 competitors in the Pride & Polish event will qualify to compete next August in the Overdrive‘s Pride & Polish National Championship judging round at the Great American Trucking Show in Dallas.

Click through to read more, and post a picture of your favorite truck!